Monthly Archives: August 2013

A New Day and the start of a marriage :)

Worship time!

Worship time!

New Day!!!!!

New Day!!!!!

So last week I made my way up towards Norwich with 20  teenagers from my church. We attended a massive Christian Festival with 6,000 other teenagers. There were amazing speakers from all over the country talking on every different topic relevant to a teenagers life. It was incredible watching the young people worship God 4 times a day with such passion and get so much out of the seminars. We also drank milkshakes, had sour string eating competitions, and ate far too much cake 😉

For myself, it might have been one of the most changing weeks for me spiritually. I was challenged in so many ways but particularly when I realized that I am still struggling with a fear that God will lead me on a journey or take me somewhere challenging and start something amazing in me (with Andy) and then leave it up to us to finish it off. I realized over the week that saying that is even a fear is completely absurd. God finishes what He starts! That fear does not even exist and it never will! In the Bible it says “I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” {Philippians 1:6}. This verse stuck in my mind last week and I it comforted me to know that God is a caring God who wants to finish what He starts. He doesn’t just play around with our lives for the fun of it, He is active and relevant in our daily lives. So I found it quite comforting.

Mr. and Mrs. Hallett!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Hallett!!!


Reading Family Church gang ready to dance the night away  :)

Reading Family Church gang ready to dance the night away 🙂

I came back from New Day a day early so that I could hop in a car 12 hours after arriving home (mostly spent sleeping) and drive up to a wedding right near Nottingham. It was a beautiful wedding! I have never been to an English wedding and I will tell you one thing…they are FANCY! Apparently this one was actually quite casual compared to most of them! WHAAAT!? Growing up in Alaska where the more casual your wedding the better/cooler it becomes (barn/mountain top weddings anybody? 4-wheeler as the getaway car please!). So it opened my eyes up to another part of the English culture. I absolutely loved it! So beautiful, amazing food, lots of dancing and I cannot say how excited I am to know Mr. and Mrs. Hallett as a married couple!

Already married ;)

Already married 😉

So it was all very exciting…until Andy got the stomach flu the night of the wedding…and spent all night throwing up in the hotel room (good thing it was just the two of us!). Poor guy, the drive home the next day was not an enjoyable one unfortunately. But we got him home, gave him some soup and nursed him back to health. All better now 😀

So quite an eventful/exhausting/wonderful week/weekend (how many /// can I possibly put into one post….hmmmmm). Now to get prepped for Ben and Coralie to come visit us on Wednesday!!!



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